On Muttering and Forgetting the Poor

“Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:1-2 Muttering. Jesus responded to their muttering (“grumbling” in other translations) and heavily implied distaste and disapproval of his actions with a series […]

Jesus, Erika, and ICE

It was still dark the morning that ICE agents knocked on Erika Fierro’s door. Her two young children were still asleep. Her husband, Jesus, had already left for work at his construction job. Jesus was not coming back today. This was the first information the shadowy figures at the door gave to a groggy mother […]

Do you know this Jew?

Dimitri Klepinin was an Orthodox priest, a Russian emigre in Paris. The 35 year old husband and father of two went to aid a remarkable and dynamic nun, Maria Skobtsova in her work among the poor, outcast, and marginalized in the city. On June 14, 1940, this ‘flock’ of homeless people, poor families, mentally ill, […]

Politics and the Heart

It’s almost election day. Is anyone else exhausted? I can only speak for myself, but I sure am. I have experienced an especially oppressive spirit over the past few months, and in conversations with others, I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. I think it’s more than just news fatigue. I think there is something spiritual […]

Syrian Jesus

Jesus began his earthly life as refugee a migrant under threat suspected, turned away, unwelcome It is no wonder that it was those suspected, turned away, unwelcome that he continued to identify with You shall not oppress the sojourner among you For you were strangers in the land of Egypt The Father commanded The Father […]

Repentance and the Doctrine of Ray Ray

Pro athletes say stuff. A lot of stuff. And, like pop stars at awards shows, God gets thrown in there on a somewhat regular basis. Its something we’re used to by now. Look, I can’t judge, I was the small town evangelical kid who used to pour through “thank yous” in liner notes (I was […]