
This website is the labor of love and creative/reflective outlet of Fr. Joel Weir. Father Joel is a priest in the Orthodox Church and currently serves as rector at St. Stephen the First Martyr Orthodox Church in Crawfordsville, Indiana. He is the husband of Maria, Father of Ophelia and Liam, and the grandfather of Emeric.

In addition to his work as a pastor, Fr. Joel also writes a monthly column in the local Crawfordsville paper, The Journal Review, is camp priest at St. John’s Camp Programs, and is involved in Missions and Charity work, including the Midwest Diocese Mission Council, IOCC Frontline, Achaius Ranch, and Pam’s Promise. Father Joel is also a songwriter, most recently working under the pen-name “John the Silent”.

The name “Saved Together” comes from the Orthodox Christian teaching that we are ‘saved together’ but ‘condemned alone’, meaning, we are created to be and become truly “persons” rather than “individuals”, and that it is in turning towards the other that we find Christ in our midst. “Saved Together” is meant to connect the seeking with wonder the Mystery of God’s love and relationship with men with the true sacredness of the ‘ordinary life’ we humans share together. The title also comes from a Retreat series Fr. Joel has led titled “Saved Together: Practical Ascesis and Family Life”

“Practical Ascesis” simply means the daily work of sacrifice for one another that draws us nearer to God.